I keep track of my crafty thoughts in a spiral bound journal that my grandmother gave me. It was a cute journal but I decided to make it a little more spiffy by making a cover out of some my favorite fabric. I found a great reversible journal tutorial from Lara Cameron at Kirin Notebook
The main fabric I wanted to use was some Amy Butler Belle fabric. I love the turquoise pods on black. My cousin gave me a fat quarter of a tonal turquoise batik that I used for the pockets. The retro flowers on a brown background made a perfect combination for my journal.

The tutorial uses metric measurements...this shouldn't be a problem, right? I am an engineer and convert units on a regular basis. But maybe my calcs were off. So I think I may have been off in my measurements. After I had sewn all the pieces together I was a little disappointed when I slipped the cover on a realized that it was too tight---and my journal wouldn't close!
So....instead of ripping out the seams and making adjustments to the cover, I decided to make the adjustments to the journal itself. I shaved off a little bit from edges of the front and back card board covers. When it still didn't fit, I removed the wire spiral and used little pieces of string to bind the pages together. After these little tweaks, the journal slipped in beautifully and I love it! The journal was over half way full before I got around to covering it but I am so glad that I finally did!
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